Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time flies so fast, with a blink of an eye, I've concluded my 3rd year 1st tri-semester.
Looking back, academic wise, it wasn't the best. I've pretty much became a lazy bum. 
Heck, I became a serial procrastinator, despite knowing the fact that my CGPA has dropped to 3.08.

I've just concluded my semester finals on Tuesday. CBM was the hardest paper I've ever sat for and I couldn't finish my paper in time. Gesus! I hope I still can get a damn B- for this friggin paper. 
If not, I blame examination venue! 
Man, the examination department placed us in the same venue with the IT students. 
Totally ruined my vibes and moods. Worst still, she wasn't in the same venue with me. 
Ah! No mood at all. 


Don't even be me started on the exam paper....So hard
I hope we could pass this subject...well not pass...I will settle for any grades, as long as it looks and feels and smells like a B. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL. yea. u sit behind of me. 2 row BF student. and others is REPEAT STUDENT! sien daooooo~
